scared ya.
I should be doing revision right now.. But i simply cannot find any spare time to ensure i get the grades i want. If i get home at about 4pm each day, i can catch a Horrid Henry double, come dine with me, Jamie's 30minute meals, simpsons, facebook, shower, bed.
it's impossible to squeeze homework into my busy sophisticated schedule. My ideal day would definitely involve a come dine with me saga, they're so boring, yet addictive. Like facebook, i spose.
I love telly.
I was watching 'beauty+the beast: the ugly face of prejudice' the other night. it's about this Bimbo, who hates the way she looks. (Bleach blonde hair; straight, angular nose; pink, glossy lips; huge prominent eyes, massive boobs etc). She's pretty. she loves life. She appears to be a generally nice person, don't get me wrong. But what irritates me is how she sees every teeny blemish, imperfection magnified. She has to eradicate them. This lady is so vain: she thinks looks are literally everything. She wouldn't be happy if she isn't beautiful.
She's spent about £1,000,000 on cosmetic enhancements. That's £1,000,000 that could've gone towards hospitals, feeding the hungry, education in poorer countries, developing cures for major diseases.. I mean, if i had a million quid, i would doubtless spend some on myself. I'm not an absolute saint that goes round lobbing tenners to sick kids. I'd love to make a difference to the minorities of society who are somewhat unfortunate, but on the other hand i'd love a big telly and new shoes.
What i'm saying, this woman's obsession with her appearance is selfish and disturbing.
I care about how i look but i don't jab myself with syringes to puff up my cheeks. I have mascara and foundation, not falsies and botox. I straighten my hair, i don't wear ratty extensions.
And then this little woman comes on. I immediately see this obvious disfigurement on her face. She has a false eye and a teeny, almost sideways mouth. My first impression: she maybe wasn't very clever, and hates her looks. She had no self-esteem and tried to cover up her face. I couldn't have been more wrong. She was an inspirational, intelligent, confident lady. She's perfectly happy with who she is and wouldn't change it for the world. I think this Susan woman's role-model material for anyone unhappy with what they look like. Susan had cancer when she was just four months old. She got half her face removed and she's had to life with a disfigurement since.
This kind of thing makes you realise how lucky you really are. Just having the ability to walk down the street without anyone pointing or laughing.
I think the UK is waaay too obsessed with the 'perfect image'. Teenagers are unhappy with who they are because the media represents all these beautiful people being so goddamn great, when they're not. they're airbrushed, fake.
Anyway, that's my moan at society over for today.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Greetings, earth beings.
You know what? even when you have zilch to whine about, Blogging is freakin' addictive.
Nothing's really new.
Well, not complete silence, i've got my Alanis CD full blast. But, like, Virtual silence.
I haven't listened to Alanis in a while.. it's not the sort of music i usually listen to, but i love her voice. it's really weird, it's different. check her out.
I've started to play the Sims again! My family are doing pretty well, the Ginger one's written heaps of books. And the metalhead's just reached level 5 guitar, so it's going pretty good. But he's been a bit distracted from his studies recently because Corey broke up with Hayley because he's GAY with Lupin! and Lupin got Nirvana-Rose pregnant, so there's a bit of a dispute between Lupin and Corey. Hayley's going through a goth-stage, she's dyed her hair black and wears shitloads of eyeliner. And i think the creepy mexican dude killed the baby. His name's Juanito, he cleans my house from time to time. He is also my postman. Yea, he broke my dishwasher and it burnt the baby.
I'm gunna have to stop paying this guy.
I love the sims. I guess i like the idea of escaping the real, unpredictable world and entering a new place, where everything goes how you want it to. you can design your dream life, control everything, make everything perfect. You can make your sims the image of beauty: big eyes, clear skin, pouty lips. Your Sims can learn new things in seconds, they can get a job and pay for the surf simulator you just constructed in your living room.
Or ofcourse, you can turn things upside-down. Have poltergeists haunt your people, earthquakes, you can make them drop out school, lose their job, break up with their partner, fight with everyone. You can make them have blue skin and look like the elephant man crossed with an obese smurf just for a laugh. it's pretty funny.
this is Rhi Blake, over and out. :)
You know what? even when you have zilch to whine about, Blogging is freakin' addictive.
Nothing's really new.
Well, not complete silence, i've got my Alanis CD full blast. But, like, Virtual silence.
I haven't listened to Alanis in a while.. it's not the sort of music i usually listen to, but i love her voice. it's really weird, it's different. check her out.
I've started to play the Sims again! My family are doing pretty well, the Ginger one's written heaps of books. And the metalhead's just reached level 5 guitar, so it's going pretty good. But he's been a bit distracted from his studies recently because Corey broke up with Hayley because he's GAY with Lupin! and Lupin got Nirvana-Rose pregnant, so there's a bit of a dispute between Lupin and Corey. Hayley's going through a goth-stage, she's dyed her hair black and wears shitloads of eyeliner. And i think the creepy mexican dude killed the baby. His name's Juanito, he cleans my house from time to time. He is also my postman. Yea, he broke my dishwasher and it burnt the baby.
I'm gunna have to stop paying this guy.
I love the sims. I guess i like the idea of escaping the real, unpredictable world and entering a new place, where everything goes how you want it to. you can design your dream life, control everything, make everything perfect. You can make your sims the image of beauty: big eyes, clear skin, pouty lips. Your Sims can learn new things in seconds, they can get a job and pay for the surf simulator you just constructed in your living room.
Or ofcourse, you can turn things upside-down. Have poltergeists haunt your people, earthquakes, you can make them drop out school, lose their job, break up with their partner, fight with everyone. You can make them have blue skin and look like the elephant man crossed with an obese smurf just for a laugh. it's pretty funny.
this is Rhi Blake, over and out. :)
Monday, 31 January 2011
Intimate Pasta.

Y'know when you get that feeling, of happiness and jealousy. This weird melty feeling in your heart, it nearly aches. like when you see a teeny itsy-bitsy kitten sneeze and then get really confused as to why her brain feels like popping out her fluffy little ears. You can't help but to go "aaaaaaaaaawwww", and you feel a hint of a tear falling from your eye. you almost feel like a proud parent, watching your baby take his first steps then falling over. it's adorable.
Well, i got this feeling the other day. i was sitting in the lunch hall eating my regular cheese roll, and my friend spotted these pots of abandoned pasta, with the forks lovingly entwined. they looked meant to be. it was so cute.
So cute we took a photo.
I'm so tragic.
"joey, did you eat my sandwich?"..."i AM your sandwich."
Hi. ^_^
Well. I've been reading a new book recently. It's the new one by Darren Shan, the first in the Saga of Larten Crepsley. It's pretty cool. i totally recommend it if you've read the first series. It wouldn't make sense if you haven't. It's about Vampires. They're the coolest monsters.
..see how i slipped in a Gerard quote? No?
Anyway. I got half way through and remembered that i'm in the middle of another book.
I'm pretty good at multi-tasking, (i am an Independent Woman, after all.) but i can't seem to read two books at once.
I get confused, expecting a vampire war to break out in a book about a girl who gets sold seperate from her siblings by her ignorant father and gets forced into slavery. Which would be pretty cool tbh.
How was my day, i hear you ask?
But it was proper funny in ICT when my friend and i typed in 'FML' to google and it was this website where people post their Fails.
where was i? oh yeah. cake.
I made a really nice cake earlier. It was inspired by when my friend dropped her victoria sponge earlier and the rest of us savagely feasted upon it on the bus. without knowing it'd been on the floor D:
So i thought i'd make a nice cake, to get rid of the taste of floor and raspberry jam.
And guess what. i freakin' dropped it.
That's how FAIL my life is.
i should probably post my cake-saga on that FailSite.
Well. I've been reading a new book recently. It's the new one by Darren Shan, the first in the Saga of Larten Crepsley. It's pretty cool. i totally recommend it if you've read the first series. It wouldn't make sense if you haven't. It's about Vampires. They're the coolest monsters.
..see how i slipped in a Gerard quote? No?
Anyway. I got half way through and remembered that i'm in the middle of another book.
I'm pretty good at multi-tasking, (i am an Independent Woman, after all.) but i can't seem to read two books at once.
I get confused, expecting a vampire war to break out in a book about a girl who gets sold seperate from her siblings by her ignorant father and gets forced into slavery. Which would be pretty cool tbh.
How was my day, i hear you ask?
But it was proper funny in ICT when my friend and i typed in 'FML' to google and it was this website where people post their Fails.
where was i? oh yeah. cake.

So i thought i'd make a nice cake, to get rid of the taste of floor and raspberry jam.
And guess what. i freakin' dropped it.
That's how FAIL my life is.
i should probably post my cake-saga on that FailSite.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
go compare? go die.
Anyone else feel like shooting the Go Compare dude? or at least shave off his irritating mustache and kick him where it hurts a couple of times?
i mean, sometimes i can tolerate him. once i was in such a good mood that i slid around in my socks doing a sort of backing routine with my brother. But he's so, so unbearably annoying. i suppose there are a lot more annoying things in life. little things, like hitting your toe on something make you want to scream abuse at the world. Like, the adverts on YouTube. Popups. people who eat with their mouth open. Spam. Politicians. Getting crumbs in your bra. Leaving money in a pocket and putting it in a washing machine. Reality TV. Acne. Burnt toast. you know the sort.
I'm one of those people who get pissed off really easily. I can't help it, I'm human. I should probably be more peeved at pollution, war, sickness, world hunger, but i'm not. because it's not really effecting me. I mean, it's bad, it needs to stop, but i'm more worried about the nation's obsession with Katie Price's divorce and the gap in my fringe.
I'm just a selfish teenager.
on that note.
Later, alligator.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Holes in Ecuador.
its me again.
at the moment i'm pretty darrrn happy. I've actually got nothing to rant about, nothing to complain about. which means i have, like, nothing to blog about. mm. *awkward silence*. well, since i'm totally care-free and motivated, let's talk about BOYS.
don't get me wrong, most boys are lovely. 85% are decent guys. they're funny, they care about their friends, they're generally a well-rounded nice species.
but the minority of JERKS just need to go and sit in a big hole in, like, Ecuador for a day or two, y'know?
One of my best friends is being totally BRAINWASHED by this horrible minority of the nice species. She loves him, when all he does is hurt her and mistreat her. When she's one of the most amazing, gorgeous people I've ever met. I admit, I've never met this jerk, but from what I've heard, he needs to sit in the hole in Ecuador. for a MONTH. i don't usually judge people without a fair trial, but this guy is an exception.
In my opinion, the 'fit' guys, the jocks, the popular guys with their short hair and their prominent muscles, are meanie-pants. they only care about their dashing smiles and chiseled jaws.
The best type of boys are the ones with long hair, who like music, who are a bit nerdy and perhaps not the sporty type. Maybe they're not as 'hot' as the jocks, but they have a freakin' PERSONALITY.
yay for individuality!!!! :D
..i put a picture of Kurt from Nirvana on here. he has long hair. ^_^
"rather be dead that cool".
Sayonara. :)
its me again.
at the moment i'm pretty darrrn happy. I've actually got nothing to rant about, nothing to complain about. which means i have, like, nothing to blog about. mm. *awkward silence*. well, since i'm totally care-free and motivated, let's talk about BOYS.
don't get me wrong, most boys are lovely. 85% are decent guys. they're funny, they care about their friends, they're generally a well-rounded nice species.
but the minority of JERKS just need to go and sit in a big hole in, like, Ecuador for a day or two, y'know?
One of my best friends is being totally BRAINWASHED by this horrible minority of the nice species. She loves him, when all he does is hurt her and mistreat her. When she's one of the most amazing, gorgeous people I've ever met. I admit, I've never met this jerk, but from what I've heard, he needs to sit in the hole in Ecuador. for a MONTH. i don't usually judge people without a fair trial, but this guy is an exception.
In my opinion, the 'fit' guys, the jocks, the popular guys with their short hair and their prominent muscles, are meanie-pants. they only care about their dashing smiles and chiseled jaws.
The best type of boys are the ones with long hair, who like music, who are a bit nerdy and perhaps not the sporty type. Maybe they're not as 'hot' as the jocks, but they have a freakin' PERSONALITY.
yay for individuality!!!! :D
..i put a picture of Kurt from Nirvana on here. he has long hair. ^_^
"rather be dead that cool".
Sayonara. :)
Friday, 28 January 2011
an introduction of some sort.
Hello :)
My name's Rhiannon. I've started this blog thing 'cause it seems everyone else is and stuff. Basically, it's a kind of diary of the everyday happenings that.. happen. k, i'm not very good with words so i have no idea why i started this blog. i'm a rather average teen. starwars nerd. ginger fan. XD
i like cheese on toast and family guy. the perfect combination.^_^ i couldn't live without my iPod or Spotify. i listen to mainly rock/metal music but i like a bit of indie/trance/grunge. Kurt Cobain and Marilyn Manson are like gods to me.
i'm scared of the dark. heights. spiders. being alone. guns, knives. So my biggest fear is being alone, in the dark, in a tall building, covered in armed spiders.:L
My friends mean a lot to me, without them i am.. friendless?
My bright red DM's are my favourite item of clothing at the moment. got 'em for christmas.
thankyou baby Jesus! :D
i could sit and watch Youtube all day man. RayWilliamJohnson, Parry Gripp and Charlieissocoollike are EPIC.
Russell Howard, Hugh Dennis. Frankie Boyle, Lee Evans and Russell Brand are as epic as the above mentioned. ^
i'm not that great at MFL (that's FML to the locals) but i'd love to learn Japanese. i can write the words 'tree' and 'sayonara'.. which i guess is pretty good if you're doing something about Japanese deforestation. :L
i love anime movies, especially Whisper of the Heart and Ocean Waves.
Contrary to what people think, i like reading. i'm currently absorbed in a book called 'Dark Angel' by Virginia Andrews. it's pretty cool. I don't just read books, i think that The Umbrella Academy is a kick-ass comic :D the illustrations are freakin' epic.
that's me, i guess. :P
untill next time,
My name's Rhiannon. I've started this blog thing 'cause it seems everyone else is and stuff. Basically, it's a kind of diary of the everyday happenings that.. happen. k, i'm not very good with words so i have no idea why i started this blog. i'm a rather average teen. starwars nerd. ginger fan. XD
i like cheese on toast and family guy. the perfect combination.^_^ i couldn't live without my iPod or Spotify. i listen to mainly rock/metal music but i like a bit of indie/trance/grunge. Kurt Cobain and Marilyn Manson are like gods to me.
i'm scared of the dark. heights. spiders. being alone. guns, knives. So my biggest fear is being alone, in the dark, in a tall building, covered in armed spiders.:L
My friends mean a lot to me, without them i am.. friendless?
My bright red DM's are my favourite item of clothing at the moment. got 'em for christmas.
thankyou baby Jesus! :D
i could sit and watch Youtube all day man. RayWilliamJohnson, Parry Gripp and Charlieissocoollike are EPIC.
Russell Howard, Hugh Dennis. Frankie Boyle, Lee Evans and Russell Brand are as epic as the above mentioned. ^
i'm not that great at MFL (that's FML to the locals) but i'd love to learn Japanese. i can write the words 'tree' and 'sayonara'.. which i guess is pretty good if you're doing something about Japanese deforestation. :L
i love anime movies, especially Whisper of the Heart and Ocean Waves.
Contrary to what people think, i like reading. i'm currently absorbed in a book called 'Dark Angel' by Virginia Andrews. it's pretty cool. I don't just read books, i think that The Umbrella Academy is a kick-ass comic :D the illustrations are freakin' epic.
that's me, i guess. :P
untill next time,
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